Al momento stai visualizzando Come Negoziare in Inglese: Business Contract Negotiation
are you ready to negotiate in English

Come Negoziare in Inglese: Business Contract Negotiation

L’arte della negoziazione è un perfetto terreno per esercitare le capacità comunicative in inglese. Ci sono tantissime cose che dobbiamo tenere presenti! Espressioni idiomatiche, creazione del rapporto di fiducia, controllo delle emozioni, scelta delle domande per essere più o mendo diretti, più o meno incisivi – insomma, c’e tanto, tantissimo spazio per praticare e per crescere – indipendentemente dal livello di ‘General English’. Per questo motivo, vi proponiamo una serie di conversazioni (ognuna è a se e non è legata alle successive sessioni del Conversation Club) che appartengono al mondo della Negoziazione. Ecco una di queste sessioni, oggi ci concentriamo sulla Negoziazione di Contratti Business. Ma ci sono tante altre cose che negozieremo insieme!

Prepared with love by: My Personal English Coach

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Come ti aiuta MPEC e cosa trovi su questa pagina?
are you ready to negotiate in English

Ciaaooo! Solo due parole di aiuto per coloro di voi che stanno iniziando l’esperienza nel nostro Conversation Club e non si sentono molto sicuri

Non preoccupatevi, siamo qui per voi!

Immediatamente sotto troverete il vocabolario che vi può servire per parlare con i vostri Club Partners (altri alunni di MPEC con i quali sarai messo in coppia per le conversazioni guidate)

Se avete voglia e tempo – seguite il consiglio numero 1 dell’immagine a sinistra e fate un review di tutti i ‘language bits’ che pensiamo vi possono essere utili. Siamo i Vostri Coach e vi conosciamo bene! Sappiamo che usare Idioms & Phrasal Verbs può essere una vera sfida, dunque sono spesso proprio questi gli elementi di linguaggio che vi proporremo 🙃

Dopo la preparazione (trovate sia il vocabolario che le domande delle conversazioni che vi proporremo oggi su questa pagina), vi invitiamo a participare nella sessione di Club. Avete ricevuto una mail con il ZOOM link per la sessione:

I martedì ci vediamo dalle 19.00 alle 19.30 e i giovedì, dalle 13.00 alle 13.30. Se non avete ricevuto la mail, scriveteci subito!

Se volete fare più pratica dopo la sessione del Club, potete tornare qui per fare l’attività di Follow Up (in fondo alla pagina). Siete Pronti? Iniziamo!

Idiomatic Expressions Used In Business Negotiations

  • Ballpark figure: An approximate estimate. Example: “Could you give me a ballpark figure for the budget we’re negotiating? 🤷‍♂️”
  • Cut to the chase: Get to the main point without unnecessary details. Example: “Let’s cut to the chase and discuss the critical terms of the contract. ⏭️”
  • Play hardball: Negotiate aggressively and firmly. Example: “They’re playing hardball on the price, so we need to be prepared. ⚾️”
  • Read between the lines: Understand the underlying meaning, often beyond what is explicitly stated. Example: “Their response seems vague; we might need to read between the lines. 📖🔍”
  • Toe the line: Follow the rules or conform to expectations. Example: “We need to toe the line while negotiating to maintain a professional image. 👞”
  • Bite the bullet: Face a difficult situation or decision with courage. Example: “Even though it’s challenging, we’ll have to bite the bullet and address the contract’s complexities. 💪🔫”
  • Call the shots: Make important decisions and be in control. Example: “As the project lead, you get to call the shots during the negotiation. 📣”
  • Break the ice: Initiate a conversation to ease tension or awkwardness. Example: Let’s start by breaking the ice and discussing our common goals.
  • Hold all the cards: Have the advantage or control in a situation. Example: “With our strong position, we hold all the cards in this negotiation. 🃏”
  • Iron out the details: Resolve and finalise the finer points of an agreement. Example: “We’re close to an agreement; we just need to iron out the details.🛠️”

The Most Common Phrasal Verbs used in Business Negotiation

  1. Back down: Retreat or withdraw from a stance or demand. Example: “They initially insisted on those terms, but eventually they had to back down. ⬅️🔽”
  2. Flesh out: Add more details or information to make something clearer. Example: “Let’s flesh out the clauses related to payment terms in the contract. 💡📜”
  3. Hold off: Delay or postpone making a decision or taking action. Example: “We should hold off on signing until we clarify the legal implications. ⏳🚫”
  4. Work out: Resolve, solve, or reach an agreement through negotiation. Example: “We need to work out the distribution logistics before finalizing the contract. 👥🔄”
  5. Stand up for: Defend or advocate for one’s position or interests. Example: “We must stand up for our intellectual property rights in the negotiation. 🛡️🆚”
  6. Get around: Find a way to overcome a problem or obstacle. Example: “We need to get around the issue of conflicting deadlines in the contract. 🛤️🔄”
  7. Hold up: Delay or hinder progress, often due to unforeseen issues. Example: “The unexpected supply chain disruption could hold up the negotiation process. ⏸️🚫”
  8. Put off: Postpone or reschedule a meeting or decision. Example: “Due to conflicting schedules, we’ll have to put off the negotiation until next week. 📅🚫”
  9. Talk over: Discuss thoroughly or review in detail. Example: “Let’s talk over the terms to ensure we’re all on the same page. 💬🔄”
  10. Break down: Analyze, explain, or simplify complex concepts. Example: “Let’s break down the contractual obligations into more manageable sections. 🧩🔍”

Round 1 – Let’s Warm Up

  1. Have you ever been involved in a complex business contract negotiation? What were some of the key challenges you faced?
  2. In your opinion, what’s the most crucial aspect of successful contract negotiation? Is it the terms, the relationship, or something else?
  3. Negotiating contracts often involves finding a balance between your organisation’s interests and the other party’s. How do you approach creating win-win scenarios in these situations?
  4. Legal jargon can be quite daunting in contracts. How do you navigate through the complexities of contract language to ensure both parties truly understand the terms?

Round 2: Let’s Explore it!

  1. The art of compromise is essential in contract negotiation. Can you share a time when you had to make significant concessions to reach an agreement? What did you learn from that experience?
  2. Emotions can sometimes get in the way of rational negotiation. How do you manage emotions during intense contract discussions to ensure productive outcomes?
  3. Cultural differences can play a significant role in contract negotiations, especially in international business deals. Do you have any strategies for navigating these cultural nuances?

Download All The Vocabulary for the Last Conversation Round: The Role Play

Round 3: The Final One – We Role Play!

This is a role play that you can come back to more than once, as the space for negotiation is HUGE!

Download the PDF to get :

  1. Key Legal Terms You May Need
  2. Your Instructions
  3. The Agreement You Will Be Negotiating

Best of luck in your negotiation!

Remember – there is always more! Here is your Follow Up video:

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