As the new year arrives, many of us reflect on the goals we set last January and feel a heavy sense of disappointment, like an overindulgent dinner. We look back only to discover that our motivation fades by mid-February. Why do our New Year’s resolutions often disappear so quickly? And if my goal for the new year is to improve my English – should I give up on it?
Prepared with love by My Personal English Coach, December, 2023
Absolutely not. Let’s take a moment to look at it together, okay?
First of all, we have a problem: Do you know the differences between goals and habits?
The goals we set are important because they give direction and purpose. However, goals alone are like distant landmarks on the horizon: visible but not always reachable. This is where habits come into play. Habits are the steps we take every day, the small, consistent actions that bring us closer to our goals. They are the bridge between aspiration and achievement.
Turning goals into habits means integrating our aspirations into our daily routines. It’s about creating a path of regular, manageable actions that keep us moving forward, even when our initial enthusiasm wanes.
If you want to improve your English, this approach is fundamental.
Learning a new language is a journey, a marathon, not a sprint. By turning language learning goals into daily habits, we make steady progress, bit by bit, day by day. And for those who want to master a second language, like English, for example, consistent practice is essential. It’s not just about setting the goal to become ‘more confident in English’; it’s about making this language a part of our everyday life.
But… Where Should I Start If I Want To Improve My English?
The MPEC Approach Has Revolutionised The Soft Skills Training – Here Is How
Ecco i 5 steps che – secondo gli esperti in formazione linguistica, bilinguismo e le neuroscience sono la strada verso una completa padronanza della lingua di Shakespeare.
5 Steps To REALLY BOOST your English Next Year
Step 1: Clear Goals for Clear Results
Definisci chiaramente cosa significa per te essere bilingue. Si tratta di fluency nello speaking? Si tratta di lavorare in inglese? Viaggiare? Altro? Obiettivi specifici ci danno focus e direzione.
Coaching Tip: Evita obiettivi troppo ambiziosi o vaghi. Scegli i MICROsteps. Meglio 5 minuti di inglese ogni giorno che 1 ora ogni tanto. Credici!
A Book We Recommend : Atomic Habits by James Clear
TED Talk che ti consigliamo: Why the secret to success is setting the right goals John Doerr
Step 2: Immersive Learning
Surround yourself with the target language through media, conversation, and cultural immersion. This builds linguistic skills and cultural understanding bringing you closer to your Bilingual Identity in English.
Tricky Bits: Overcoming the fear of making mistakes. Books: “Fluent Forever” by Gabriel Wyner TED Talks: “The secrets of learning a new language” by Lýdia Machová
Coaching Tip: To overcome the fear of making mistakes you may need to find a partner – someone who will help you go beyond the shame and embarrassment. Breaking the shame and fear is linked to silencing the Inner Critic Voice and once this is approached, language learning becomes a source of joy and satisfaction
A Book We Recommend : Fluent Forever by G. Wyner
TED Talk We Love: The secrets of learning a new language” di Lýdia Machová
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Step 3: Practice, Practice, Practice
La pratica regolare è fondamentale. Esattamente come con la fase di Goal Setting, non serve essere ambiziosi – serve essere costanti e non fermarsi. Dedica tempo ogni giorno ad attività linguistiche attive e passive.
Tricky Bits: Mantenere routine e motivazione è una sfida per tutti. Ma se non ti critichi troppo severamente e ti premi per la tua costanza – il processo diventerà più automatico dopo 24-48 giorni!
A Book We Recommend : Self-Compassion : The Proven Power Of Being Kind To Yourself by K. Neff
TED Talk We Love: : 4 Proven Ways To Kick Your Procrastination Habit by A.Fischbach
Step 4: Use the Power of Neuroscience
Engage in cognitive activities that support bilingual brain development and cognitive reserve. If you speak Italian, it means your brain KNOWS how to learn to communicate in 1 language – we just need to replicate the process!
Coaching Tip: If you struggle with understanding and applying complex neurological principles – MPEC can help you! Follow us on Linked In or contact us – we are experts in the field of Brain Science for English Learning
A Book We Recommend : The Bilingual Brain” by Albert Costa
TED Talk che ti consigliamo: The benefits of a bilingual brain di Mia Nacamulli
Step 5: There Will Be Dragons. Just Prepare.
Anticipate obstacles and adapt your strategies to maintain progress without giving up. If the moments of self-doubt, low energy or frustration don’t come as unpleasant surprise – they will be easier to overcome!
Coaching Tip: Dealing with frustration when we perceive that we plateaued is really difficult. That’s why, anticipating the fact that there WILL be moments of low motivation and low energy is essential.
A Book We Recommend :Mindset: The New Psychology of Success” by Carol S. Dweck
TED Talk We Love: : Grit: The power of passion and perseverance” di Angela Lee Duckworth
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