This sucks!! Come lamentarsi di qualcosa in inglese?
Questo Fa Schifo! Come Lamentarsi in Inglese
Questo Fa Schifo! Come Lamentarsi in Inglese
Business Communication Club, titled "Let's Talk About Wellbeing In English: Health and Wellness Tips." In this engaging discussion, we'll delve into the vital topic of maintaining health and wellness in our busy lives.
Welcome to our gastronomic journey in the Business Communication Club! Today's delightful topic is "Different Types of Cuisines and Favorite Dishes." This session is a culinary expedition across the globe, where we'll explore the diverse and rich flavours of various cuisines.
Let's Talk About Interesting Historical Events or Figures Using Past Simple, Present Perfect and Question Tags, Shall We?
TechTalks: Navigating the Digital Age with ChatGPT. MPEC Invites AI Host to Lead the Conversation on Technology and its impact on society
Let's Talk About Food and Cooking Recipes!
Movies or TV Shows You Enjoy - Making Recommendations Using Negative Questions and Modal Verbs
Learn Communication in English: Why Speaking Up For Yourself Can Be A Challenge?
Meetings in English: Talking about a bad business result using conditionals
Benvenuti a una sessione unica e stimolante in onore della Giornata Internazionale della Donna! Oggi ci discosteremo dal nostro formato abituale per celebrare questa importante occasione.