Modi innovativi per imparare l’inglese: come la poesia può aiutarti a migliorare le tue abilità comunicative e aumentare la tua sicurezza

Tutto sulla Learning Culture: Cos'e la vera Cultura di Apprendimento, perché è importante per le organizzazioni e come si fa a crearla

Continua a leggereModi innovativi per imparare l’inglese: come la poesia può aiutarti a migliorare le tue abilità comunicative e aumentare la tua sicurezza

Past Simple and Perfect through a song: Jenny of Oldstones – Practical grammar in context (B1 and B1+ Levels)

Oggi vi portiamo una nuova lezione che non solamente vi aiuta a migliorare la grammatica inglese ma lo fa in un modo pratico, divertente, e pieno di musica! Siete pronti?

Continua a leggerePast Simple and Perfect through a song: Jenny of Oldstones – Practical grammar in context (B1 and B1+ Levels)

Perché l’insegnante non deve correggere i miei compiti d’inglese? What’s wrong with teachers correcting your HW?

Ciao, studenti di inglese! Ecco un nuovo articolo che non solamente vi aiuta a migliorare la lettura in inglese ma vi spiega anche perché i Coach di MPEC non sempre vogliono correggere i vostri compiti! Siete pronti?

Continua a leggerePerché l’insegnante non deve correggere i miei compiti d’inglese? What’s wrong with teachers correcting your HW?

World’s biggest four-day working week trial ends in success – B1 Lesson based on the News

Are you tired of the traditional 5-day workweek? Well, this lesson is for you! We'll be discussing a recent news story about the possibility of a 4-day workweek. You'll learn new vocabulary, improve your comprehension skills, and hopefully be motivated to push for a better work-life balance in your own career!

Continua a leggereWorld’s biggest four-day working week trial ends in success – B1 Lesson based on the News

Christmas traditions in the English-speaking world

Christmas is probably the most festive time of the year, a season of gift-giving and celebration. We all know that Christmas is a religious holiday which marks the birth of Jesus Christ. However, every country and culture have plenty of curious, peculiar habits and traditions that mark this moment, some…

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Let’s Bring Your Business English Up To Speed!

To gain more confidence when using English at work, getting familiar with these Business Idioms can be one of the best solutions. See, when you hear one of these expressions for the first time, they can really get you off track. And if you start doubting your comprehension skills, your…

Continua a leggereLet’s Bring Your Business English Up To Speed!