All mpec courses are based on Conversation, Communication and Interaction and our main goal is to give our students the confidence to approach any topic or idea in English. Below, you can find vocabulary and role play materials which we use during our Conversation Club sessions in Zoom, but which you can also use on your own.
For A1-A2 Levels
Please, review the vocabulary related to the topic. It will help you feel more confident when role-playing and – if you find any words that are entirely new to you, make sure you write them down and use them in the Conversation Club meeting.
Part 1: Your Plans
- Are you planning on going anywhere for your next vacation? If so, where? Who with? How long will you stay?
- Are you afraid of going abroad alone?
Collocations with the verb TO TRAVEL
Try using the collocations from the list below
In all the collocations, the word TRAVEL is a VERB
Part 2: People & Places
- Could you live in another country for the rest of your life?
- Describe the most interesting person you met on one of your travels.
New Word: quirky
If by interesting, you mean “unusual or unexpected,” then quirky may be a better choice. Quirk means “a peculiarity of action, behaviour, or personality; mannerism.” When it comes to the very top of professions, quirkiness may be valued (e.g. Steve Jobs might be called quirky), but this sadly is a luxury that most of us don’t have. However, if you have a circle of friends who are interested in music, art, literature and so on, then quirky may well be a compliment
Part 3: Have You Ever…?
- Have you ever gotten lost while traveling? If so, tell us about it.
- Have you ever hitch-hiked? If so, how many times?
- Have you ever taken a package holiday or a package tour? Why? Why not?
TO HITCH-HIKE means to travel by getting free lifts in passing vehicles.”we hitch-hiked up to Scotland”
package holiday / package tour is a holiday / tour organized by a travel agent, with arrangements for transport, accommodation, etc., made at an inclusive price.
Part 4 : If…?
- If you traveled to South America, what countries would like to visit?
- If you went to ___(Insert a quirky country name for your partner)__, what kind of souvenirs would you buy?
- If you were going on a camping trip for a week, what 10 things would you bring? Explain why.
All mpec students are welcome to join our Conversation Club Zoom Sessions which take place every Tuesday, 6pm to 6.30 pm and Thursday from 1 to 1.30 pm from October to June. If you are not a part of the mpec community yet, please get in touch with us and we will partner with you to create the right course for your needs and goals. Live English Courses via Streaming
Self Study Suggestions:
Here is a short video encourage you to watch. You can comment and discuss it in our Whatsapp Group!