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Let’s talk about: WAR

Let’s talk about WAR in English. We will find useful expressions to talk about ‘WAR’ and get some practice, too!

Useful English Vocabulary for talking about the WAR.

All mpec courses are based on Conversation, Communication and Interaction and our main goal is to give our students the confidence to approach any topic or idea in English. Below, you can find some questions and vocabulary you need to talk about WAR in English.

Hey there, mpec People! This is your Conversation Club Handout!

PART 1: Warm Up

  • Russia has invaded The Ukraine. What are your thoughts?
  • What do you think will havppen in Europe and the world as a result?

PART 2: Big Picture

  • In your opinion, what are the main reasons for war?
  • Does anyone really benefit from war?
  • Is modern warfare different from how wars were conducted 50-100 years ago?
  • What are the biggest changes in how wars are conducted between the past and the present?

PART 3: Let’s Zoom In On the Details!

  • In the aftermath of war, who suffers the most?
  • How can we avoid war?

All mpec students are welcome to join our Conversation Club Zoom Sessions which take place every Tuesday, 6pm to 6.30 pm and Thursday from 1 to 1.30 pm from October to June. If you are not a part of the mpec community yet, please get in touch with us and we will partner with you to create the right course for your needs and goals. Live English Courses via Streaming


Self Study Suggestion:

What does war mean to everyday life?: Video Link