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Oggi Parliamo di: Making a Phone Call to Schedule a Meeting with a Client

Ciao! Siete pronti per il Conversation Club di Oggi? Nella conversazione guidata dal MPEC Coach affronteremo insieme l’argomento di come fare una chiamata per pianificare un incontro con un cliente. La comunicazione efficace è fondamentale nelle relazioni commerciali, e le chiamate sono spesso il primo passo per organizzare un incontro. In questa sessione, esploreremo il vocabolario e le frasi che potete utilizzare per gestire con fiducia questo tipo di chiamate. Ricordatevi però, che quando entriamo a fare la Conversation, si parla solo in inglese!

Prepared with love by: My Personal English Coach

Ciaaooo! Solo due parole di aiuto per coloro di voi che stanno iniziando l’esperienza nel nostro Conversation Club e non si sentono molto sicuri

Non preoccupatevi, siamo qui per voi!

Immediatamente sotto troverete il vocabolario che vi può servire per parlare con i vostri Club Partners (altri alunni di MPEC con i quali sarai messo in coppia per le conversazioni guidate)

Se avete voglia e tempo – seguite il consiglio numero 1 dell’immagine a sinistra e fate un review di tutti i ‘language bits’ che pensiamo vi possono essere utili. Siamo i Vostri Coach e vi conosciamo bene! Sappiamo che usare Idioms & Phrasal Verbs può essere una vera sfida, dunque sono spesso proprio questi gli elementi di linguaggio che vi proporremo 🙃

Dopo la preparazione (trovate sia il vocabolario che le domande delle conversazioni che vi proporremo oggi su questa pagina), vi invitiamo a participare nella sessione di Club. Avete ricevuto una mail con il ZOOM link per la sessione:

I martedì ci vediamo dalle 19.00 alle 19.30 e i giovedì, dalle 13.00 alle 13.30. Se non avete ricevuto la mail, scriveteci subito!

Se volete fare più pratica dopo la sessione del Club, potete tornare qui per fare l’attività di Follow Up (in fondo alla pagina). Siete Pronti? Iniziamo!

Glossary For Today’s Conversation Club

  • Schedule
  • Availability
  • Confirm
  • Convenient
  • Reschedule
  • Proposal
  • Postpone
  • Prioritise
  • Follow up
  • Cordial
  1. Arrange or plan (an event or appointment) at a particular time.
  2. The state of being free to meet or engage in a particular activity.
  3. Make sure that something is definitely happening or true.
  4. Suitable for one’s needs; easy to use or access.
  5. Arrange for something to take place at a different time or date.
  6. A plan or suggestion put forward for consideration or discussion.
  7. Delay an event, appointment, or meeting to a later time or date.
  8. Determine the order of items or tasks based on their importance.
  9. Continue or pursue something to its completion or resolution.
  10. Polite and friendly in a formal way.

Phrasal Verbs You May Want To Try Today:

  • Set up – Arrange or organise something . Set up a meeting to discuss the project details.
  • Touch base – Establish or renew contact with someone. Just touch base and see if you have questions or concerns.
  • Fill in – Provide someone with necessary information. Fill me in on the progress of the latest proposal, please.
  • Hang on – Wait for a short time. Hang on while I transfer your call to the right department.
  • Break the ice – Initiate a conversation Let’s break the ice by discussing goals and expectations.
  • Get back to – Return a phone call or reply to someone. I’ll review the information and get back to you soon.
  • Look into – Investigate or examine something. I’ll look into the issue and provide a solution.
  • Run late – Be delayed or behind schedule. Apologies for running late, I’ll be there shortly.
  • Put off – Postpone or delay something. Meeting needs to be put off due to scheduling conflicts.
  • Call off – Cancel something that was planned. She called the meeting off because she was sick.

10 Idioms For Calls With Clients Sample sentence for each idiom

  • Set up – Arrange or organise something Set up a meeting to discuss the project details.
  • Touch base – Establish or renew contact with someone. Just touch base and see if you have questions or concerns.
  • Fill in – Provide someone with necessary information. Fill me in on the progress of the latest proposal, please.
  • Hang on – Wait for a short time. Hang on while I transfer your call to the right department.
  • Get back to – Return a phone call or reply to someone. I’ll review the information and get back to you soon.
  • Look into – Investigate or examine something. I’ll look into the issue and provide a solution.
  • Run late – Be delayed or behind schedule. Apologies for running late, I’ll be there shortly.
  • Put off – Postpone or delay something. Meeting needs to be put off due to scheduling conflicts.
  • Call off – Cancel something that was planned. She called it off because she was sick.
  • Break the ice – Initiate a conversation Let’s break the ice by discussing goals and expectations.

Round 1: The Icebreaker

  1. Tell us about a time when you had to make an important phone call to schedule a meeting. How did you prepare for the call, and what strategies did you use to make a positive impression?
  2. Imagine that you’re calling a potential client whom you admire. How would you introduce yourself and your company in a way that reflects your enthusiasm and expertise?
  3. Can you share an experience when you had to clearly state the purpose of a phone call to a client? How did you ensure your message was effectively conveyed, and what was the outcome?

Round 2: Let’s Explore it!

  1. Tell us about a time when you had to make an important phone call to schedule a meeting. How did you prepare for the call, and what strategies did you use to make a positive impression?
  2. Imagine that you’re calling a potential client whom you admire. How would you introduce yourself and your company in a way that reflects your enthusiasm and expertise?
  3. Can you share an experience when you had to clearly state the purpose of a phone call to a client? How did you ensure your message was effectively conveyed, and what was the outcome?

Round 3: The Final One!

  1. Tell us about a time when you had to make an important phone call to schedule a meeting. How did you prepare for the call, and what strategies did you use to make a positive impression?
  2. Imagine that you’re calling a potential client whom you admire. How would you introduce yourself and your company in a way that reflects your enthusiasm and expertise?
  3. Can you share an experience when you had to clearly state the purpose of a phone call to a client? How did you ensure your message was effectively conveyed, and what was the outcome?

After The Club: The Follow Up

#FluiditàInglese #ApprendimentoInglese #Coaching #Personalizzazione #MaterialiReali #SyllabusB2 #formazione #formazioneolistica #corsisumisura #studiareconpiacere #engagenotteach