Al momento stai visualizzando Let’s talk about: Sweet Temptation!
A beautiful dessert

Let’s talk about: Sweet Temptation!

In this week’s club, we are talking about ‘Sweet Temptations’ – those things we know we should probably avoid, yet find it difficult to do so.. We will see vocabulary and some idioms related to this topic and discuss a number of questions.

All mpec courses are based on Conversation, Communication and Interaction and our main goal is to give our students the confidence to approach any topic or idea in English. Below, you will find vocabulary, expressions related to Sweet Temptation as well as questions that will oblige you to use the same vocabulary immediately!

Hey there, mpec People! This is your Conversation Club Handout!

PART 1: Which of these would you most like to do?

  • Steal something
  • Kiss a beautiful stranger
  • Scream at your boss
  • Start untrue gossip about someone
  • Get revenge on someone

PART 2: Something I have always been tempted to do…

  • You have 3 minutes to talk about things you have always wanted to do, but have never had the courage to do.

PART 3: When do temptations become a problem?

  • You have 3 minutes to discuss if and when temptations can become problems.

PART 4: A temptation I couldn’t resist…

  • You have 3 minutes to talk about a temptation you couldn’t resist (even that extra slice of cake you shouldn’t have had)

All mpec students are welcome to join our Conversation Club Zoom Sessions which take place every Tuesday, 6pm to 6.30 pm and Thursday from 1 to 1.30 pm from October to June. If you are not a part of the mpec community yet, please get in touch with us and we will partner with you to create the right course for your needs and goals. Live English Courses via Streaming


Self Study Suggestion:

The wonderful temptation of Procrastination – Watch it HERE