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Let’s Talk About: SOCIAL MEDIA

All mpec courses are based on Conversation, Communication and Interaction and our main goal is to give our students the confidence to approach any topic or idea in English. Below, you can find vocabulary and role play materials which we use during our Conversation Club sessions in Zoom, but which you can also use on your own.

For A1-A2 Levels

Please, review the vocabulary related to the topic. It will help you feel more confident when role-playing and – if you find any words that are entirely new to you, make sure you write them down and use them in the Conversation Club meeting.

PART 1: Warm Up

Do you use social media sites a lot?

How often does your MUM / PARTNER / COLLEAGUE use the same social media?

Vocabulary to use – Adverbs Of Frequency

always, constantly
usually, normally
frequently, regularly
rarely, infrequently
hardly ever
0% never

Part 2: Do you follow any famous people on social media? Who do you follow and why?

Part 3: Compare & Contrast – Do the PROS outweigh the CONS when it comes to Social Media use?

Go through the columns below – you will find a list of pros and cons (advantages and disadvantages) of spending time on Social Media. Explain your position to your partner using some of the examples below.

Advantages (PROS)

  • Keep in touch with family
  • Keep in contact with….
  • Keep up to date with…(the news, family…)
  • Making friends online, especially during lockdown
  • Broaden your circle of friends
  • Learn new cultures
  • It’s convenient to get news / get the latest news / get breaking news
  • To gain/acquire/get knowledge
  • You can get good recommendations for products and ideas
  • Develop a business 
  • You can sell products and advertise your business on many platforms
  • Build a brand / influence 

Disadvantages (CONS)

It can be addictive 

  • waste of time / wasting time 
  • It’s time-consuming 
  • We can lose track of time when looking at social media

You can waste a lot of money buying unnecessary things online

Fake news / incorrect information

It easily distracts us 

  • It can lead to mental health issues 
  • Many young people get a negative body image after comparing themselves to models with perfectly filtered bodies online 
  • Too much comparison can lead to low self-esteem, especially in teenagers
  • You can get a stiff neck if you are staring at screens and scrolling all day
  • It can lead to eyesight problems 
  • Cyberbullying is rife (=common) in many social media platforms


All mpec students are welcome to join our Conversation Club Zoom Sessions which take place every Tuesday, 6pm to 6.30 pm and Thursday from 1 to 1.30 pm from October to June. If you are not a part of the mpec community yet, please get in touch with us and we will partner with you to create the right course for your needs and goals. Live English Courses via Streaming

Self Study Suggestions:

Here is a short video encourage you to watch. You can comment and discuss it in our Whatsapp Group!